Condolence Messages On Death Of Father – Sympathy Quotes
Condolence Message For Father’s Death
It’s not a time to mourn. It’s time to look back and remember all the good things in life he did for you. It’s time to continue the legacy of a great man that your father was.
In such a difficult moment, your family needs you to be strong. You are surrounded by good friends. Find peace in their hugs and supports. God bless you!
I look at you and feel grateful to your father that he left such a wonderful person among us. Your father may be no more with us now but you have many shoulders to share this weight of loss. May his soul rest in peace.
It’s a tough time to go through for anyone. I can understand how you feel inside because I too lost my father many years ago. My deepest condolence for your grieving family. I’ll always keep you in my prayers.
It’s time to follow your father’s footstep and be a man of honor just like he was. Don’t succumb to your emotions. Your family needs you to be strong now.
My heartiest condolence for you in such difficult time. May god usher you and your family with peace and comfort. My God receives your father in heaven.
Religious Words Of Sympathy For Loss Of Father
A good man like your father deserves a good place in heaven. May his soul rest in peace. My prayer is with you always. God bless you in this difficult time.
Your father was a pious, god loving, honest man. I’m sure God loves him just as much as he loved God. His place is in heaven. Keep him in your prayer always.
Every living being shall feel the cold hands of death. But our Lord is kind enough to give us the strength to bear such losses. May God give your father the place in heaven, Amen!
God takes away those whom he loves most. Your father was one of the lucky ones. Let us all pray for his departed soul.
The truth is every one of us will die. So, what actually matters, in the end, is what we leave before we go. Your father did his part well. Now he will be joining with God in heaven.
May God give you strength to bear this loss! The loss of the father is so heavy. Just know that we are always with you no matter what happens in life. You are always in our prayer.
Condolence Message To A Friend Who Lost His Father
I may not be able to feel the pain you have in your heart now. But I can assure you that I’m always with you when you need a shoulder to cry or need a friend to pray with.
Dear friend, I am so badly pained by hearing that your father is no more. Your loss is so heavy. I know it’s hard for you to stay strong in such a time but this is what you need now. We all are praying for you.
I couldn’t control my tears when I heard the news. It’s a great loss for you and your family. You need to be strong and support your family in this difficult time. You are always in our prayer.
It’s heartbreaking for me to see my best friend crying. I don’t know how to console you but I want to let you know that such a great loss is not only yours to bear. I will be there with you always to share.
Your father was a man of noble qualities. We all learned many things from him. He will be remembered forever. May God be always with you and your family!
Sympathy Message For Loss Of Father
I am shocked to hear about your father’s untimely death. All can say is this is how life is sometimes. You just have to accept it and move on. God has the best plan for everyone.
It’s time to commemorate the life of a wonderful person who blessed us with so many beautiful memories. Your father was truly a person to remember. My deepest sympathy for you.
Life can be so inconsiderate sometimes. Losing father at such a young age is very painful. But you have to keep faith in God because he always has the perfect plan for each one of us.
My deepest sympathy for you and your family. Your father was such an influence on us. He was like a role model for us. We needed him some more years to stay among us. May his soul rest in peace and god be with you always!
I don’t know appropriate word to share sympathy for you. The loss is heavy and the pain you feel is unbearable. I pray for you and your family. Just remember, God is with you always!
Only a little effort to comfort them from you can make them feel good in such difficult situations. These Condolence Message On Death Of Father are really great ways to express your deepest sympathy to someone who lost his father and helps your dearest ones in dealing with their emotion during that time.