Write For Us Gambling/Casino

Write for us Gambling – A Blog for you to find reviews on various betting sites online. Vixus is a platform that offers an extensive database to accumulate knowledge and information. We focus on the aspect of gambling and betting. Hence, we bring you the best and up to date information regarding the industry. Reviews about online casinos, guides to play, betting tips and tricks, general information, and latest news and many more related to betting.

Who Can Join Us?

We are looking for writers who can write for us about Casino, betting and gambling platform. You do not have to participate as a gambler necessarily, but possess apt knowledge to write an article and submit a guest post. If you’re able to share your valuable insights and experience, this is a platform for you. It is a wide spectrum of work from writing guides for rookies, to offering valuable reviews and general articles. We are aiming to offer people a singular, enticing platform to answer all their questions and satiate their thirst for knowledge. The betting world is vast, and if you have expertise even in a singular field, your talents can be useful.

Our Topic of Writing Categories:

– Betting & Gambling

– Casino Tips & Tricks

– Reviews on Casinos

– Betting Guide & Analysis

– Predictions

– Latest News & Updates in the Gambling World

– Sporting Opinion/Viewpoints

– or anything related to Sports Betting, Gambling and Casino.

What Should You Have to be a Writer With Us

We do not seek experience but diligence in writing. Our objective is to collect writers capable of adapting and learning new things. Experimentation and innovation are always appreciated here. However, these are the following points to make it clearer:

 You do not require any qualification, only command over the English Language.

– You should have an interest in the field of writing, passionate about learning new things.

– Unique and enticing writing styles are appreciated, but not a necessity. If you can set yourself apart, it is a perk.

– Research is the key to writing impeccable quality articles. You should be willing to dig into the information available over the internet, or other sources, to offer apt information in your article.

– An understanding of the Casino, betting world, gambling, and its platforms will prove to be beneficial. However, if you don’t know, as long as you’re willing to learn, nothing is impossible.

– We seek positive, enticing material that can captivate the readers. It should not be vague and make a comprehensive point.

– You’re free to express yourself through the articles, but we would still require articles in the preference of the betting.

Those who seek an opportunity to “submit a guest post” related to betting, gambling, and casinos will find it excellent to work with us. As long as you possess a creative streak with intentions to make efforts, you will be appreciated. We do not promote lazy or idle work. Actively working with us will take you a long way. However, there are certain rules and guidelines our writers must follow.

Rules & Instructions to Follow to Write for Us

The following rules and instructions are mandatory for each writer to follow. These protocols set us apart from our competitors and enhance the quality of our performance and articles. Hence, we’d expect any writer who is working with us to abide by them.

– We prefer an ideally comprehensive article which has more word length between 1500 to 3000. We seek people to make catchy titles and write interesting material that will keep the people on the page. An ideal word limit for an article is a minimum of 1000+ words or preferably more.

 As we post creativity and original content, we do not tolerate plagiarism. The matter should not be copy-pasted in any format.

– English proficiency is a necessity. The grammatical command is the imminent requirement to be a professional writer in the field.

 The format of the article should be neat. You should assign proper titles, heading, pictures, bullets, and formats. Make sure of the spaces and paragraphs, make it look comprehensive and professional. The transition from one line to another, and between paragraphs, should be smooth.

 Do not repeat the information. Try to minimalize the use of the same word again and again. The information you’ve already offered in the article should not repeat the second time. People often do it to match the word limits, and it is not acceptable.

 Obey the deadlines and submit the work on time. If you’re incapable of finishing the work assigned to you, make sure to convey the message. Do not take the work you can not submit in time.

 Understand that once you submit your article, it is an intellectual property and belong to us. We reserve all the writes to rework, edit, or publish it according to our requirements.

– We also have the right to add our internal links, Affiliate links or any authority sites link.

 Do not send us published material, and it is the same as sending plagiarised content. We do not accept it.

 We usually offer general articles, so write in a general tone. However, if we assign a promotional article, you will receive additional instructions for it.

– Read all the instructions offered to you with the work. Be meticulous in your work, and obey the instructions. It will reduce the chances of errors and increase the quality of the article.

 After finishing an article, always proofread your work to ensure you do not have any spelling, grammatical, or format mistakes. Review the instructions and guidelines once more.

What Benefits do the Writers Gain?

We aim to offer an equally beneficial opportunity for you to work with us. You are receiving a flourishing platform to showcase your skills and attract a large amount of audience. There will be consistent improvements in the writing skills if you are willing to improve. You have access to a place where you can put your thoughts and creativity to work. You will also allow linking your own personal blog or social accounts.

Link Policy

We allow you to add one Dofollow link to your own blog and must be related to your article. And also your link must be pointing to your own informational blog, not any commercial Site, Affiliate or any Product as it comes under the paid section.

Promotional or Commerical Stuff:

Don’t mail us in the name of the “Guest Post” to promote or advertise any products, commercial website, or affiliate sites. As It Comes under the Paid Section.

If you are expecting a Dofollow link to your Commercial, Affiliate, Services or Products based site then please mail us at vixusme@gmail.com with the subject name “Sponsored Post Advertisement”.

How to Submit a Guest Post 

Mail us at vixusme@gmail.com with the

  • Subject (Guest Post or Advertising)
  • Topics Ideas
  • and Website that you want to link

We will get back to you if you followed our guidelines.