Godly Messages of Inspiration, Hope and Faith
Godly Messages Of Inspiration
God loves us more than a mother loves her child. He never wants us to destroy. So keep deep faith in God. He will soon remove your bad times.
God is the only reason we are living on this earth. Look at His blessing, His creation. He can do anything. He can change your life in a moment. Pray to Him.
God knows everything. He knows what is good for us. Whatever He is doing, will be good for you. So don’t be sad dear. God is with us.
In our hard time, God gives us chance to realize our mistake, to improve ourselves. So never take a hard time as a punishment. It’s a blessing from God.
God is always with us. The whole world may leave you. But God will never leave you. He is the only source of happiness and blessing.
It is God who created this universe, the water, the flower, the food only for us. He knows what we need. How do you feel sad when the creator of you is so caring? He will protect you.
Godly Messages To Loved Ones
Every day I pray to God about you. I pray that God may help you and protect you all the time. What can be more comfortable when your loved one is under the protection of God?
Never underestimate the power of prayer. I prayed for a caring, loving person in my life. God has listened and gave you in my life.
Life is worthless without loved ones. So God created the family. I pray to God to increase love and care in our family. May He bless us.
God loves people who love others and take care of them. I am blessed to have you as you love me so much. I think you are God’s favorite person.
When I feel sad, I look outside and think there are many people who have no family, no friend. But I have a lovely family and many good friends. I am blessed.
I am very grateful to God. He has sent the most beautiful and amazing person in my life. My dear, you are a blessing from God.
Godly Message For A Friend
A good friend is one of the most valuable gifts from God. I am happy as God has given me a friend like you. You are a true friend indeed.
I feel comfortable and happy when I share my thoughts with you. Only a few people get such friends. I am very grateful to God for you my friend.
God’s plan is always perfect. You are the result of His perfect plan. No friend can’t be better than you who can guide his friend.
Dear friend, don’t give up on your dreams. God is always with you. You need to work hard and pray. God surely will grant your wish.
I always get inspired when I see you. You are a real fighter. God has made you especially. I am proud as you are my friend.
If anyone asks me what is the secret of my success, I will tell him that I have two things. One is my God who helps me and gives me everything, another one is you my best friend who supports me. Thank you, dear.
Morning Godly Messages
The shiny morning has come. Thanks to our God for giving an extra day in our life. Good morning dear. Have a nice day.
I think God made the morning with a magical touch. We feel so refreshed and calm in the morning. I wish you a very good morning.
Morning is the sign of hope from the God. It shows that God can remove darkness from our life as morning comes after night. Good morning my friend.
Good morning my love. Wake up and see the sun rays. May God bless you with a beautiful day. Enjoy the day.
You are healthy, you are fine, and you have woken up this beautiful morning. What else do we need to thank God? He is always with us. Good morning.
In the morning start your day with prayer. He will open the door of opportunity for you. Have a blessed day my friend. Good morning.
God is always with us. Our mind feels calm when we pray to God. These hopeful and encouraging Godly messages will give you motivation during your hard times or down situation and you may like sharing these messages to encourage someone. Also, you can post them on Facebook, Twiter, Instagram or send as inspirational godly text messages.