Online Assessments are one of the best possible ways to tackle assessments in the outbreak of COVID 19. The entire world is facing a major setback due to COVID 19. This pandemic came without knocking the doors. It has hampered the productivity of so many sectors throughout the globe including the academic sector. To keep students at bay from the coronavirus the Center and State governments were forced to shut schools, colleges, and institutions. This shutdown has interrupted the education system of the country so badly.
Online learning is one of the most effective alternatives when it comes to learning from a distance. This hard time has resulted in a lot of adversities. But students and teachers are trying their level best to stand out this situation with all the available resources they have. This is achieved through digital classroom software.
Educational sectors have been taking all these changes into their hands. Schools have tried to arrange virtual classes for every class. From toddlers to teenagers everyone is learning and studying online. There is no doubt that the academic calendar of this year has faced a lot of distortions due to COVID 19. Despite all of it schools are managing to keep up the good work for which they deserve a pat on their backs.
However, schools, teachers, and students all of them face some challenges. We have tried to cover some of the points to overcome these hurdles. Let’s talk about them:
Challenges faced in online learning
Students are expected to learn and read over a screen. Face – to- Face teaching or traditional teaching can be old or conventional but most of our students live by this. With online learning students feel a lack of personal touch which leaves students in disguise. Also, students have a lack of on-hand opportunities that real classrooms usually offer. To cut this gap teachers should use online assessment.
Make classes more engaging and active:
Students often get bored or become passive when it comes to online learning. Try to make classes more engaging by having open discussions. This will also give an opportunity to students to understand the concept in detail. The only way to overcome the physical absence of teachers is by giving students an array of things that make them active in the class.
As teachers, we should always make a point that our students see virtual classes as edutainment and not education. We can make informative and interesting PowerPoint presentations with pointers and diagrams. Sharing screens and notes with students will encourage them to pay more attention to the class. Conducting regular quizzes and crossword puzzles will help us to check the knowledge of students.
Make sure students visit teachers at the time of query:
With online learning, students have lost their personal touch to their teachers. They cannot run back to their teachers if they have a doubt. However, teachers are trying their best to curb this difference by making elaborative assignments and giving answer keys to the students. To overcome this teacher can seek help from the online assessment examination company. They can help teachers to make assessments more student-friendly.
It’s hard for students to visit the comments or mails given by the teachers. Even when they do there is no surety that students understand what the teacher is trying to say in absolute terms. To give a good understanding to students one should try to conduct assessments as regularly as possible. Even if students are not able to complete the assessments within the given time they can contact teachers and seek their advice.
Rule out the Connectivity Issues:
India is one of the fastest developing countries around the globe. Despite this fact, many of our students struggle with online classes because they don’t have access to resources like laptops. Even electricity in the rural areas of our country is still a big problem. And to ensure good internet connectivity at this time will be too much to ask.
At this time, teachers should record their lectures for the students who don’t have access to the internet or laptop. Sharing the recorded lectures with those students on WhatsApp can help them to learn the concept without any time constraints.
We hope these points will help to overcome these problems. The bottom line will always be the same.