Business Trip Wishes & Safe Trip Messages
Business Trip Wishes Messages
A business trip abroad is a small reward for your dedication and hard work. Many big rewards are on the way. I hope you have a great time there as you continue mesmerizing the world with your vision.
I’m really happy for you because of this trip. Come back safely with a lot of experience and of course a lot of gifts. Your success will be measured in terms of the gifts you bring from me.
It’s a great opportunity to share your ideas with the world. You have already proved your ability to revolutionize the local business. It’s time to bring it to the world.
Make the best use of your business trip. Explore the business world and learn about different business practices. I wish you a safe and fruitful trip! Come back home safely!
I always knew someday you would be a great business magnet. This trip marks the first milestone for you in this journey of becoming a business guru. Many good wishes to you!
We are really proud of you. It’s time the white guys with superiority complex learned how many potentialities our local heroes have. God bless you. Have a safe trip!
We are so sure that you are going to bag the contract on this trip. Victory and success are written all over your power suit! Bon voyage.
It’s an amazing opportunity for both our buyers and companies to interact. Seal the deal perfectly and don’t forget to visit most interesting cities nearby the meetings ground.
You are in for a big party when you get back from your tour. That’s because we know you are going to bring back gifts for everyone in the office. Wish you a happy tour.
You better seal the deal this time around. Knock their socks off, buddy. Bon voyage and good luck.
Pack your best suit, carry your sharpest attitude, and show them what we are really made of. All the best for your presentation and overseas trip.
You can’t do today’s job with yesterday’s methods and be in business tomorrow, so give your best and make successful this business trip! Have a safe journey!
As you set sail for your business trip may you have success and improvement on the great meeting all along! Have a safe and successful business trip!
Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion. You’re the leader who can go overseas and surely come back with triumphant, success and charged.
I am so jealous that your business meeting is in Hawaii. Have fun, honey, but be a good husband and focus on your work. Don’t stare at the beautiful women on the sunny beaches. Bon voyage.
By participating in the Business Tour, you not only get a chance to talk to these potential employers face-to-face but also get to visit a few incredible cities on the way. Best of luck!
Everyone is banking on you to clinch the overseas deal. You have got to nail it this time. It does or dies, mate. Have a safe flight, an awesome presentation, and bon voyage.
For you, this is a great chance to see what business opportunities in Europe has to offer. I wish you will get the best chance from those, have a successful business tour!
It is a pity that you’re going to such a beautiful place only to attend meetings. But while you are at it, make sure you have some fun too. Have a good trip.
Oh! dear, through this overseas business journey you got the opportunity to meet world-class companies at their headquarters, I think it will be a great and successful trip for you where you get to learn lots of things, best of luck!
We know it’s tiring to fly for work, But that’s the kind of thing we always shirk; You’re the star who can go overseas, Clinch big monies, and make big deals, So come back triumphant, successful, and charged. For this mammoth trip, we wish you bon voyage.
Whether you were always interested in a business meeting abroad, or just want to inspire our companies effort, it will be an amazing tour that you do not want to miss. Bon voyage my dear!
Every time I wish you bon voyage for a business trip, I think, ‘I can’t wait to use all your flight mileage points for my own holiday!’ Have a nice flight, honey.
Like slow and steady wins the race as they say, fearless and believing safely end the tour well. You are safe on this journey. Take care.
You got a promotion and an overseas business trip. How much more luck could you possibly need? Nevertheless, good luck with your journey. You deserve it.
The road is rough, and the journey seems long? It’s just a matter of time and you will be at your destination. Just don’t lose focus. You should succeed on the business tour!
The company takes pride in having employees like you represent the brand overseas. All the best, and make the most of this trip. Bon voyage.
Don’t conclude just yet! Your desires can still be met in this journey. Remember, the end still justifies the means. All will be well. Just make the deal success!
Bon voyage for this important business trip, mate. While you’re bagging all the deals, don’t forget to bring back some great wines and beers to stock up the office fridge.
Is your plan coming to naught and everything happening against your initial thought? Hang in there, friend! All will be well… just believe. Make this business trip great!
You are one of the few employees being sent for all the business trips because you are our star performer, a reliable player and the face of our company. Have a good professional tour.
Things might not be working out as you planned for now, but I know something for sure: it is not over until you say it is over. Be strong dear. Have a successful business trip!
Getting jet-lagged, working with people from different cultures, living out of suitcases, eating hotel food everyday—you are going to be well rewarded for working so hard and traveling the globe. Keep up your A-game mate. Bon voyage.
Can’t believe that the company is paying for you to go and have a meeting or two on the sunny beaches of California. You lucky dog, make the most of it.
Business is like sex. When it’s good, it’s very, very good; when it’s not so good, it’s still good. So, don’t worry whatever the situation where you should focus on your proposal and make a good presentation! Bon voyage!
Our business is not to get ahead of others but to get ahead of ourselves – to break our own records, to outstrip our yesterday by our today. It’s time to represent our brand overseas, make it happen!
Dear, it seems you have finished reading all the above-listed business trip wishes and messages, we feel glad if they can fulfill your demand.