Car ceilings, also known as ceilings, are often the most overlooked part when it comes to washing a car. How to clean the car ceiling? Even though it is a place that is rarely used and is out of reach, the ceiling of a car can still get dirty. You must know how to clean the ceiling of a car to make it look new.
How to Clean Car Ceiling In A Few Simple Steps
You may be thinking how the car ceiling can get dirty. Well, usually caused by cigarette smoke! Cigarette smoke can make the car ceiling dark because the ceiling material is usually made of fabric or suede.
So, how to clean the car ceiling? Believe it or not, you can probably solve all these problems with a few simple steps. However, remember that the ceiling fabric is on the ceiling of the car. For this reason, you should clean it carefully so as not to damage anything or cause the fabric to sag, which will lead to a costly repair.
Here’s how to clean a car ceiling if you’re looking for some of the simplest and easiest ways:
- Vacuum the Dirt: The easiest way is to clean it with a microfiber towel or a vacuum cleaner. Take a clean, dry microfiber towel and gently wipe the ceiling. You can clean a discolored ceiling like that caused by cigarette smoke with just two brushes. After the first round, rub gently all over the area. You can also use a vacuum at this stage and it will clean better than a microfiber cloth. Car vacuums are available in several different types of vacuum cleaners and brushes. You should use a wide vacuum and a soft-bristled brush to clean large areas of the roof.
- Use a Foaming Cleaner: When the car ceiling is very dirty or there is dirt that cannot be cleaned with perfume, you should use a foaming cleaner. Lightly spray the cleaning solution on the stained area, then wipe gently with a dry microfiber cloth immediately. Repeat this process until there are no stains on the fabric. This is a way of removing stains from the ceiling of a car, with stains caused by smoke, water, soda, coffee, and other non-greasy liquids.
- Apply Lacquer Thinner: How to clean the car ceiling when the stain is caused by something oily like oil, ink or make-up? Take a piece of microfiber cloth and pour some varnish on it. Gently rub on the stained area and keep repeating it (each time with a clean part of the cloth) until the stain breaks down and disappears.
So, what are the tips, are they useful? If the stain is still stubborn and has been cleaned, that’s a sign that you have to replace your car’s ceiling. AutoFormIndia car seat covers are experienced in the manufacture. Visit for more information.