Safety measures for reopening of schools:-
The Health Department of the UK issued a list of parameters to take care while reopening the schools, and it included the recruitment of special nursing staff in every school to examine every pupil on a regular basis. The staff will check the temperature and other symptoms daily, then perform a quick Covid-19 test for every student in order to check suspects of infections. In case if any student is tested positive for coronavirus, the school administration will quarantine him for two weeks, and provide full medical assistance. The Health Department warned the authorities that there will be an increase in the number of infected pupils and staff by the second wave of the pandemic because the second wave is always terrifying and uncontrollable. But it is also a need of time to reopen schools now because students have faced a massive loss of studies in this pandemic, some has wasted their whole academic year. Though it is money investing program, it can ensure the safety of both teachers and students.
Responsibility of ministers:-
The parents and students are worried about the reopening of schools, as parents are worried about the health risks of their children. They are frightened to send their children in schools, as their children may get infections of coronavirus. But the government has assured all the parents across the UK not to worry about the health of their children, and the government has built a thorough policy to prevent the spread of coronavirus. The government has assigned school ministers to limit the spread of coronavirus by taking necessary measures in individual schools. While on the other side, the ministers are asked to reject routine testing for coronavirus in schools because it will consume a lot of funds, and the fact is schools are already running short for funds. The Department of Education has granted funds to schools at the district level, but these are not enough to manage and carry out daily COVID tests for both the students and staff. The Schools Minister, Mr. Nick Gibb, said that government is not agreed with Commissioner of England to perform routine tests of pupils and staff, instead only those who show relevant symptoms will be subjected to coronavirus test.
Schools reopening policy in Scotland:-
The government of Scotland is going to reopen all schools across the country from this Tuesday. In this regard, they have made all the necessary precautions to prevent the spread of coronavirus, including an enhanced technique for Covid-19 testing and surveillance on a daily basis. They preferred the safety and health of both students and staff, but the UK administration has refused to carry out routine testing service for Covid-19. It will result in an increased risk of coronavirus infections because when someone gets coronavirus, he does not show symptoms at a very early stage. Still, the authorities are not taking this issue seriously. Schools are reopening but the assistance from Assignment Help will always be there for students in their academic tasks.
The policy of the UK to reopen schools:-
The worthy Prime Minister of the UK, Mr Boris Johnson said in a press conference on this Sunday, and the government medical advisers warned that the reopening of schools would create a hassle and risk of spread of coronavirus to the whole society, it will not limit to the schools only. The nearby societies to the schools should be closed now when schools are reopened to avoid another uncontrolled spread of Covid-19. Thus school administrations and ministers should make classrooms safe from infections in the first four weeks of September so that when students return to schools, there are no chances to get infections.
Weekly testing proposal:-
The Children’s Commissioner, Miss Anne Longfield, said that she had been daunted to see that all the schools had been closed from the start of Summer, while businesses like parks and clubs reopened early, we should improve our test and trace service. She added that I am not an expert in testing of COvid-19, but I would suggest that regular testing means weekly testing of students and teachers. So that we are able to catch the infectious one earlier and do not face any trouble in the prevention of coronavirus. The government should make it mandatory to every school to perform Covid-19 tests on a weekly basis, and it is an important part of precautionary measures.
The decision of authorities:-
The Schools’ Minister, Mr Gibb has confirmed that the schools would not have access to perform routine tests for Covid-19; instead they have to rely on hygiene environment and physical distancing technique to avoid the spread of coronavirus. The schools will open definitely now, but there is no guarantee of prevention in the midst of this severe pandemic, only ill students and teachers will be subjected to the testing service. The government has advised us that it is better to perform tests for those who are showing symptoms of the disease. It will save both time and money, and we can use funds in other beneficial measurements.
Swab tests will not be carried out in schools:-
Swab tests are performed to check the presence of coronavirus, and it induces results in around ninety minutes. But Mr Gibb has confirmed that swab tests would not be used in schools, as it will increase hassles and tension in schools only. While nearby laboratories will offer swab test, along with a flu test for the ease of detection of Covid-19. However, schools will promote increased handwashing and splitting pupils into smaller groups so that physical distance is maintained. The ‘bubbles’ within schools is the most effective method to prevent transmission of coronavirus. As the pandemic is not over, we have to become complacent, and there is a moral duty for us to make our schools safe and hygiene for both students and teachers if we fail there will be a significant loss of lives.
The Education Secretary, Miss Kate Green, said that it is essential now to reopen schools in September, the government should provide extra resources to every school to provide students with a clean and infection-free environment. While without robust testing and tracing service, it will be challenging for schools to minimize the spread of coronavirus, the government has a window between not and the September to make valuable decisions for the safety and health assurance of society.