The Community Spotlight 2020.09.19

The Community Spotlight 2020.09.19

All credit to Fobwaashed for this amazing work of “edited” art.Hello and welcome to the latest edition of the Giant Bomb Community Spotlight and I, @zombiepie, am once again honored to be your host as we look back at the best creative offerings form the Giant Bomb Community! Alright, so, the CNET sale news certainly has a lot of people “on the edge,” but please be aware, as the staff have said time and time again, they are still waiting on further clarification from their higher-ups on what this means. Down below in the housekeeping section you will find links to a handful of helpful resources on what Jeff and other news outlets are saying. Luckily, Spelunky 2 came out and the expected hijinks have graced the site. If you have not seen it already, check out the end of the site’s Quick Look for the game because it is AMAZING! Also, and this is a bit of a request to those of you who enjoy reading this feature but do not comment, please comment with your support. The past handful of weeks a majority of the people commenting on the Spotlights have been spambots, so, let’s come together to fix that! Anyways, let’s jump into the siteHere’s a link to Jeff’s comments on the CNET sale. Here’s a link to Variety’s report on the CNET sale.Spawn On Me with Kahlief Adams will be joined by Alex and Brad to raise money to help VoteRiders, a non-profit whose mission is to ensure that all citizens are able to exercise their right to vote.Even if you missed the stream on Sunday, Drew Scanlon (aka Blinking White Guy) is raising money for multiple sclerosis research! Help them smash their goal, whatever that may be at the time you read this!Vinny posted a TON of updates on the Giant Bomb Goings-On thread you should check out if you have not done so already!Did you enjoy today’s Film & 40s for Brink!? Well, Jan is taking suggestions for future episodes! Share your film picks using the link!ev77 has a new update for the fan-run Apple TV app! This update adds a Date filter for custom carousels, as well as a few other bug fixes and improvements!TweetsClipsSkiing | Giant Bomb | 11/16/10 (By: VinnCo Archive)I want to thank the VinnCo Archive YouTube account for going through the site’s back catalog and uploading this CLASSIC Game Room Quick Look moment between Ryan and Jeff! Also, follow that account for fun old school Giant Bomb moments!Community ActivitiesSpelunky 2 PS Community Leaderboard Thread (By: @gerbilsinspace)Calling all users playing Spelunky 2 on PS4, we have a thread on the site trying to organize a community leaderboard! If you want to join the fun, then use the link below to post your PSN ID!BlogsYou learn something every day!Goin’ BioFast in BioForge: Part 02 – I Bought The Strategy Guide (By: @turboman)Friend of the site, TurboMan, has officially started to train for their BioForge speedrun! Also, they bought the game’s official game guide and if you look to the right, this is what it says about the flute!Granado Espada – Overview (By: @valorianendymion)After playing Might & Magic X Legacy, Giant Bomb user ValorianEndymion felt inspired to give Granado Espada a shot! Read why they were left utterly baffled by the Korean MMO.One does not simply walk into a Korean MMORPG.How I Became A Monster Hunter And Loved It (By: @humanity)Humanity takes to the site to blog about their long journey to become at master at Monster Hunter: World after watching several streams on Giant Bomb by Jan and Jason!The Failure To Launch Of Disintegration (Servers Shut Down After 5 Months) Shows The Perils Of AA Game Development Right (By: @bigsocrates)bigsocrates uses their latest blog on the site to discuss why they think Disintegration by V1 Interactive is an example of a “AA game” done right and why they wish more moderately budgeted games like it existed with the current generation of consoles.PurpleShyGuy with the photoshop of the week award!My Personal Studio Ghibli Film Awards (By: @purpleshyguy)PurpleShyGuy finally got around watching every movie from Studio Ghibli and hands out awards like “Best Character,” “Funniest Film,” and “The Parent That Needs Child Services To Take Their Kid!”Indie Game of the Week 188: The Tenth Line +JRPG Throwbacks: Some “Do”s and “Don’t”s (By: @mento)Mento is back and better than ever! First, they have a new episode of their “Indie Game of the Week” series and this episode looks at The Tenth Line from developer Sungazer Software! Read why they were pleasantly impressed by the card-based JRPG! Likewise, they talk about the “Dos” and “Don’ts” of making a throwback JRPG in modern times! Check out their list and see if you can think of any other pieces of advice!Marvel’s Avengers, the Video Game Crossover of Our Time (By: @mooseymcman)inXile has come a long way.MooseyMcMan takes to Giant Bomb to talk about their time with Marvel’s Avengers, and why they think its mashup of story driven single player gameplay and ongoing co-op loot design works “well enough.”The Wheel of Dubious RPGs Episode 015-016: The Bard’s Tale (2004) and Stonekeep (By: @arbitrarywater)ArbitraryWater continues their “Wheel of Dubious RPGs” blog series with a look at The Bard’s Tale and Stonekeep from Interplay! Read why both games left them nonplussed!Discussions & ThreadsThis game seems “meaner” than the first one?Hogwarts Legacy and the Dilemma of Ethical Consumption (By: @redcream)This was BY FAR the most active discussion thread on the site this week and I am happy to report for the most part, the discussion here has remained respectful and civil. As the title suggests, is it possible to follow and even purchase Hogwarts Legacy without tacitly supporting J.K. Rowling? Share your thoughts about the idea of “ethical consumption” in general using the link above.Spelunky 2 Discussion Thread (By: @csl316)Spelunky 2 is the big game of the week, at least according to the Giant Bomb forums! However, what are your early impressions of Spelunky 2? Have you found any secrets? Do you have tips and tricks for newcomers? How does it compare to the first?Spelunky 2 Secrets and Interactions (Here Be Spoilers) (By: @sorensyntax)Congratulations to Supergiant Games on another game release!Have you found any secrets in Spelunky 2? Do you have any tips or tricks to share for people trying to find the game’s hidden levels and weapons? Drop a comment using the link below to help out your fellow users!Spelunky 2 Death Tales (By: @gerbilsinspace)Finally, what are some of the weirdest and craziest deaths you’ve had in Spelunky 2? Detail the sequence of events that led to your wildest undoing with the rest of the community!Hades Full Release Discussion Thread (By: @bigsocrates)Hades from developer Supergiant Games just celebrated its full release! For those who bought it earlier, do you plan on returning to the game? Are any of you picking it up for the first time?woofCyberpunk 2077 System Requirements Released (By: @frytup)Have any of you checked out the Cyberpunk 2077 system specs? Does any of the demands of the game’s “recommended” specs surprise you? Will you have to upgrade your computer to play the game?PS5 And Xbox Series: Can A Techie Explain! Why The New Systems Are So Cheap And Powerful Vs PC? (By: @topcyclist)Several members of the community really came through to thoughtfully explain to another user why the next gen consoles are or appear to be so cheap compared to a new PC! Give it a scan if you want to see some users teching out!WHO DID THE MUSCLES IN THIS ANIME?! WHO?!In Roguelites Do You Tend To Go For Short Term Or Long Term Advantage? (By: @bigsocrates)Here’s a fun discussion thread on the forums! When you play roguelites/likes do you prefer to build your characters with a short term or long term plan or advantage? Share your thoughts using the link!Dragon’s Dogma Anime Adaptation Discussion Thread (By: @development)Have any of you checked out Netflix’s Dragon’s Dogma anime adaptation? Most users seem either disappointed or nonplussed about it. I’d go so far as to say it’s MAYBE a step up from the CG Berserk movies in terms of writing quality.Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3 DLC? (By: @irishfriar212)I’m always down for more benihanas!It’s a bit of wishful thinking, but the community is debating how Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 3 should get the Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1+2 treatment. Should it be DLC or a standalone remaster?RTX 3080 Launch And Purchasing Discussion Thread (By: @even)Have any of you tried your hand at picking up an RTX 3080? Have you found yourself running into sold out stock? How would you describe the RTX 3080’s launch? Have you found buying one just as arduous as people trying to pre-order a PS5?3DS Hardware Production Officially Ends (By: @frytup)Did you beat this nonsense?Nintendo 3DS hardware production officially ended today! Get the news and join the rest of the community in sharing your memories with the legendary handheld and comment if you think this marks the “end” of handheld gaming.Did You Finish The Pull-Up Contest In Mass Effect 3 (Citadel DLC)? (By: @jasonr86)Based on the most recent episode of Mass Alex, and Alex’s monumental accomplishment therein, did you finish the Pull-Up Contest in Mass Effect 3? Vote and discuss the matter with the rest of the community.Monkey Island In 2020? (By: @aiomon)Also, I’m okay with sour cream in my nachos! Call me a “heathen” and see if I care!Do you expect Remasters or Remakes of old adventure games with the next batch of consoles? For example, is it time to give Monkey Island another shot at video game glory?What Toppings Should Come On Nachos? (By: @finaldasa)Here’s a debate for the ages: what toppings do you put on your nachos? Beyond cheese, what are your go-to toppings for a loaded bowl of nachos? Beans? Meat? Sour cream? JOIN THE DEBATE!ListsBoth of these are classics!Urban Legends (By: @chad_pitt)Chad_Pitt is working on a list annotating every iconic video game “Urban Legend!” Use the link above to share any games and gaming myths they may have missed!Synthwave Racers (By: @kablammo)kablammo is working on a list annotating every example of Synthwave Racers in video games! That includes wave racing games with Retrowave and Vaporwave aesthetics!WikisAsk, and you shall recieve!Big YeetusThe fans of Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout demanded this wiki page, and they got it.PlayStation 5This is again your reminder that we are not going to differentiate different SKUs for the next generation of consoles on the wiki. There is ONE PS5 platform page and ONE Xbox Series X/S platform page.

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